Don't be bullshittin' me.
Man, I ain't.
I'll go get it for you.
Yo, whoa, what's up?
You think I'm stupid, Lucky?
You think I'm gonna let you
walk over there, put your hand
and pull a piece out on me?
Yo, Wickey, keep your snake ass
where I can see ya, all right?
- [Screaming]
- Goose!
Don't you be gettin'
outta hand now.
Lucky's just got a real
nasty sense of humor.
Yo, Goose, I think you need to
leave my little brother alone.
Come here.
You all right?
Yeah, I'm cool.
Turns out the other night
you wasn't alone. Remember
the other night, Goose?
One of my boys got killed.
K.J.'s right.
Video never lies,
I was there the whole time
tapin'your punk ass.
I don't know what
you're talkin' about.
Ain't that amazing? Now
the nigger don't know nothin'.
[Phone Ringing]
[Ringing, Beeping]
What's up? Yo, Marvin,
I can't talk right now.
We're gonna handle that
business, but not right now.
I'm in the middle of somethin'.
Call me back, man.
Yeah, later.