Hurry, Don!
Come on, man!
Make a run for it!
I mean it, man!
Back off!
Don't shoot!
He's got Lucky, man!
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot!
Hold your fire!
I'll blow his head off!
Stop.! Stop shootin; man.!
Stop shootin;!
Jesus Christ.!
We gotta get out.
The fire escape,
the window. Go!
Savon, go downstairs.
Make sure nobody's tryin'
to get out the window.
All right.
Calm down. No more shootin;
What you want?
Come on, stand up.
Have you got a weapon?
I ain't got nothin'!
You got a weapon?
I ain't got nothin'!
Don't fuck with me, man.
I ain't got shit.
Yeah, what's this?
[Beeping, Ringing]
Yo, Savon?
What was that?
That was me.
I blasted at him
tryin' to come down
the fire escape.
Get him?
All right, stay posted
down there. No more
shootin' unless I tell ya.
I don't wanna spook 'em
any more than they already are.
All right, all right.
Goddamn it, Vince.
Why didn't you stay put
like I said?
'Cause I thought
you were in trouble, that's why.