[Beeping, Ringing]
Yo, Savon?
What was that?
That was me.
I blasted at him
tryin' to come down
the fire escape.
Get him?
All right, stay posted
down there. No more
shootin' unless I tell ya.
I don't wanna spook 'em
any more than they already are.
All right, all right.
Goddamn it, Vince.
Why didn't you stay put
like I said?
'Cause I thought
you were in trouble, that's why.
Where the hell did you
go all that time? Shit!
All right, Cletus, Wickey,
let's try this door.
They got Lucky in there.
They're probably tryin'
to get out the back way.
All right, cool.
Come on.
[Phone Ringing]
[Ringing Continues]
Now back off, all of ya!
You come any closer,
he's a dead man!
Go on, get back.
Get back.
[Ringing continues]