You can melt it down,
pound it, twist it, piss on it,
but it's always the same gold.
It was here long before we were;
be here long after we're gone.
Bet you a lot of men have died
for the gold that's just in this piece.
How'd you get to be
such an expert on the subject?
He probably heard it in
some pawnshop somewhere.
You don't know nothin',
neither one of you.
It's all here, Vince.
It's all here.
All we gotta do is pack it up
and get to that catwalk.
We'll get our butts outta here.
I told you.!
I told you we're rich.
We're rich, buddy! We're rich!
[Screaming, Groaning]
Hey, you broke
my rockin' chair.
Hey, man, you all right?
[Kicking Feet]
What the fuck they doin' up
there? Havin' a party?
I don't know.
It's the last one
they ever gonna have.
Don't even trip, Savon.
Now, you ain't the boss.
Now, the man said
no shootin'.
Don't you ever draw down
on me, motherfucker.
[Muffled Grunting]
Christ, what now?
[Muffled Grunting]
Come on, man,
just let me go. Please!
I'm sick.
What do you mean
you're sick?
He's a junkie.
He needs his dope.
They get sick all the time,
they don't get a fix.