[Kicking Feet]
What the fuck they doin' up
there? Havin' a party?
I don't know.
It's the last one
they ever gonna have.
Don't even trip, Savon.
Now, you ain't the boss.
Now, the man said
no shootin'.
Don't you ever draw down
on me, motherfucker.
[Muffled Grunting]
Christ, what now?
[Muffled Grunting]
Come on, man,
just let me go. Please!
I'm sick.
What do you mean
you're sick?
He's a junkie.
He needs his dope.
They get sick all the time,
they don't get a fix.
Shakin', pukin'.
Geez, that's too bad.
Fuck you.
You just remember that
that gold is ours.
- Yeah, how do you figure?
- This is our territory.
You don't live here. We do.
Bullshit.! I live here.
All your kind ever does is fuck
everything up. I got a better
claim to that gold than you.
That's a hot one.
That's really fucked up,
Only time you white boys
ever come down here is when
you wanna rip us off.
We didn't come down here to rip
you off. We're just tryin' to
get ahead like everybody else.
Look, motherfucker,
the gold is ours.
You let it go.
Maybe I can talk my brother
into keepin' you boys alive.
You mean that?
He's talking through his ass.
Gag him, or I'll come over there
and shut him up myself.