Unlawful Entry

Pete Davis, Los Angeles Police.
Hello, Pete. Jerry Lurie.
- My wife Candace.
- Hi, Pete.

Roger Graham.
Mike's been talking to me about club security.
Are you working the area tonight?
No,... I did the precheck ofthe exterior.
I know it's normal to have your entrance
under the marquee, but it's too open.

It would be better to put the entrance
in the alley and make the people line up.

So ifwe ever have to get heavy,
only a few people will see it.

Something to think about.
Why don't you get yourself a drink
and l'll be with you in a minute?

Good idea.
I know you have business to discuss.

I'll fill you in later.
Take care. Nice meeting you.
He makes a lot of sense.
You guys really aren't bullshitting.
- I take security very seriously.
- We're really on top of it.

Hi there.
Oh, Penny. This is Pete.
- Pete, Penny.
- Hi. Nice meeting you.

Hi, nice meeting you.
- We teach together.
- Oh! Oh...

The pupils would be so impressed
that l'm talking to you. They love cops.

They're young. Give them time!
Maybe you'd like
to give them a talk some time?

Yeah, sure.
Public relations love stuff like that.
Speaking of public relations, do you dance?
Honey! Can you rescue Roger for me?
Hi, Penny.
Come on, Pete. Let's get that drink.
Here's to your club, Mike.
I want to get something straight here.
I'd like you to leave.
Michael, what is with you tonight?
Why did you even invite me here?
Telling you and inviting you
are two completely different things.

You seem so uptight. Relax!
Is it because you were up late last night?
How do you know that?
