You once said, aboutyour childhood,
"l grew up with seriousness
all aroundme."
Yeah, myparents were very, verystrict.
I come from a Catholic family.
There are five kids in ourfamily.
We weren'tpoor,but we were lowermiddle class.
We didn'thave a lot ofmoney.
My dad's theory was keep working,
work hard, work hard.
And er, prettymuch no play.
It was almostlike notgoodin ourfamily
ifyou laughedor ifyou wanted to have a lot offun.
So, thatstays with you a little bit
I think ithelpedmy tennis,because l did work hard.
But l think it's importantto have a balance in life...
He thinks l put up $100,000 of my moneyjust to watch it disappear?
- He doesn't care aboutyourmoney!- He doesn't have to. I just want to know!
To the people he represents,it's pocket change.
Does he knowwhat this will do to me and Karen?
- Iknowyou're out there- Yeah, but does he know?
Listen, Roger, it sounds good.Fax it to me, l'll talk to you in the morning.
Sorry, l tried to keep it quiet.
I heard a noise from downstairs.Didn't you hear it?
No, l was cracking on the phone with Roger.
It's probably the wind... or fuzz-face here.Why does he hate me?
If you paid him more attention,he'd like you better.
He would if l fed him goodies, like you do.
I think you're jealous of Tiny.
He gets to sleep with you more than l do.
Is that...? l'll go down.
Maybe we should call the police.
No, it's OK. I'll just check it out.