Let's get this bad boy out of here.
He's starting to smell ripe.
If you need any more pens, just tell
me. I sell novelty pens. . .
. . .imprinted with the message
of your choice.
Holy shit!
Ray, you're not actually
going to tag that. . .
. . .and report it as evidence,
are you? Ray?
-What stopped that bike, Ben?
-I don't know.
Is that real money?
-Uh, yeah.
-Gee, that's a lot.
There's got to be $1 000 there, Dad.
What you looking at?
Look, Ace, go tell Mom
I'll be home real soon.
-I got more work to do.
-Okay. See you later, Dad.
This is Deputy Sheriff
Ray Dolezal, Torrance County. . .
. . .4-3-9er-2-7-7.
I'd like a trace
and status on a '90 T-Bird. . .