Is that real money?
-Uh, yeah.
-Gee, that's a lot.
There's got to be $1 000 there, Dad.
What you looking at?
Look, Ace, go tell Mom
I'll be home real soon.
-I got more work to do.
-Okay. See you later, Dad.
This is Deputy Sheriff
Ray Dolezal, Torrance County. . .
. . .4-3-9er-2-7-7.
I'd like a trace
and status on a '90 T-Bird. . .
. . .VIN number 2-6-Charles-
Henry-Charles. . .
. . .3-9er-Nora-1 -John-
1 -2-1 -2-2-9er-2.
I can be reached
at 41 2-5607.
I'd appreciate it if you
could expedite this. Thanks.
Maybe the federales can I.D. him
and get him out of here.
Maybe I won't even
have to cut him open.
That briefcase could be
$20,000 lighter, Ray.
Nobody'd know
we didn't find it that way.
Was it
a self-inflicted wound?
There's no reward for being
so black-and-white ethical.
Was it a self-inflicted wound,
Rug fuzz.
Here. Take a look.
-Ugly rug.
-Butt-ugly rug.
Longhorn Ranch Motel.