You're using me as bait
for a sting on Lennox.
I didn't lie.
I just didn't tell you everything.
If you want to bail, I'll understand.
I'll say you lost the money.
No, no, I'm in. Let's get this guy.
Just don't bullshit me anymore.
All right.
The truth is. . .
. . .I've been trying to bust
Gorman Lennox for five years.
I finally get Artie in place,
and the whole thing blew up.
-Artie was FBI?
-One of my best undercovers.
Do you think Lane killed him?
Artie's a suicide.
Stay on track here, Ray.
-I need another $250,000.
They upped the ante.
I'm taking care of it.
You want another 250 grand
on top of the 500 you already lost?
Isn't it your operation?
I'm already out on a limb.
Get serious.
Without that money,
Lennox won't believe me.
If I ran that up the bureau flagpole,
nobody'd salute.
Where the hell
am I supposed to get the money?
Ms. Bodine's got a talent for
finding cash for lost causes.
Damn good at it. Takes a nice cut.
She's getting a finder's fee
for Lennox.
Which is what, five grand?
This is a different ball game.
The commission on this deal's
got to be over 1 00 large.
I'm sure she'd go for it.
She likes living on the edge,
playing in the gutter. . .
. . .seducing men of mystery like Artie.
Like you.
You don't have to.
But it's an option.
You can sell it to her somehow.