White Sands

Isn't it your operation?
I'm already out on a limb.
Get serious.

Without that money,
Lennox won't believe me.

If I ran that up the bureau flagpole,
nobody'd salute.

Where the hell
am I supposed to get the money?

Ms. Bodine's got a talent for
finding cash for lost causes.

Damn good at it. Takes a nice cut.
She's getting a finder's fee
for Lennox.

Which is what, five grand?
This is a different ball game.

The commission on this deal's
got to be over 1 00 large.

I'm sure she'd go for it.
She likes living on the edge,
playing in the gutter. . .

. . .seducing men of mystery like Artie.
Like you.
You don't have to.
But it's an option.

You can sell it to her somehow.
-How much are we talking about?

Bob and I are already at risk
for a million.

We were set to do it ourselves. . .
-. . .but they upped the ante.
-So here we are.

We need 250,000 and Bob
thought-- Thank you.

Bob thought?
Bob thought you might be willing to
cross the line. . .

. . .for the greater good.
I don't get involved in these things.
But you'll show us someone
who does. . .

-. . .and take a fee, right?
-You're commenting on my ethics?

The people you're trying
to help are being butchered. . .

. . .by the government
peace-keeping patrols. . .

. . .and blankets and Rice-A-Roni
ain't gonna change that.
