Good day.
- What is it?
- We've got an energy surge at jump point.
There aren't any more ships due until...
Put it on screen.
Vortex active. Confirm incoming ship.
Damn. That's a Vorlon ship, all right.
Ambassador Kosh. Two days early.
I knew he'd pull something like this.
Security isn't ready, we're not in place...
...all because he wants to play mysterious
and catch us off guard.
Get me the Commander. Fast.
And let's hope nothing else goes wrong.
- About time.
- Sorry. I was delayed.
Patch incoming signal.
Full audio and video decode.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I thought you weren't due back
for another week?
Yeah. Haggling with the Centauri
is always a slow process.
Until you explain,
unless payment is made promptly...
...their merchandise will be dumped
into space and fired into the sun.
Not exactly fair-market bargaining.
I was in a hurry.|- I didn't think you'd report me.
- We'll discuss that later.