- About time.
- Sorry. I was delayed.
Patch incoming signal.
Full audio and video decode.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I thought you weren't due back
for another week?
Yeah. Haggling with the Centauri
is always a slow process.
Until you explain,
unless payment is made promptly...
...their merchandise will be dumped
into space and fired into the sun.
Not exactly fair-market bargaining.
I was in a hurry.|- I didn't think you'd report me.
- We'll discuss that later.
I'm glad you're back.
- When do you dock?
- One hour and 40 minutes.
Just in time for the reception.
I'll tell you about it when you arrive.
I was thinking about something
a little more intimate.
On my way,
I picked up some carnelian bed sheets.
They're supposed to be
completely frictionless.|See you in an hour and 40 minutes.
Lieutenant Commander Takashima.
About our supply ship, I have reconsidered.
With the new ambassador about to arrive,
this is hardly a time for petty squabbles.
I have told our captain
to submit to your weapons search.
That's great.
Since you doubtless have your hands full...
...our captain will wait until
after the Ambassador's ship has docked.
- Is that satisfactory?
- Yes, it is.
Are you feeling all right, Ambassador?
Couldn't be better.|See you at the reception, then.
Good eating to you.