Thank you again for your services.
Someday I am going to find the guy
that thought up the idea...
...of renting telepaths to businessmen,
and I am going to kill him.
Funny, I just knew
you were going to say that.
- Lyta Alexander?
- Yes?
Ambassador G'Kar, of the Narn regime.
- May I speak to you for a moment?
- Of course.
When I learned of your arrival,
I ran a genetics scan of your records.
Most impressive.
A sixth-generation telepath.
It goes back further than that,
but that's when Earth Central...
...started keeping track of people
with psi capability.
We have no telepaths among my people.
A genetic oversight, I suppose.
One which you could help correct.
I am empowered to compensate you
for your genetic background.
The process would be either
a direct mating, you and I...
...or a donation of vital cells
from which we could clone a replica.
Yes, obviously the cloning is less efficient,
since we have to grow the clone...
...so payment would have to be
proportionately smaller.
We'd still have to fuse your genes
with ours and that would take even longer.
The direct mating is far more...
Now, would you prefer to be conscious
or unconscious during the mating?
I would prefer conscious,
but I don't know what your...
...pleasure threshold is.
Confirmed, Ambassador,
you are clear for docking.
Please surrender control of your vessel
to central computer, on my mark.