The process would be either
a direct mating, you and I...
...or a donation of vital cells
from which we could clone a replica.
Yes, obviously the cloning is less efficient,
since we have to grow the clone...
...so payment would have to be
proportionately smaller.
We'd still have to fuse your genes
with ours and that would take even longer.
The direct mating is far more...
Now, would you prefer to be conscious
or unconscious during the mating?
I would prefer conscious,
but I don't know what your...
...pleasure threshold is.
Confirmed, Ambassador,
you are clear for docking.
Please surrender control of your vessel
to central computer, on my mark.
Commander, the Vorlon ship
is on approach to Bay 9.
On my way.
Status report.
Momentary power loss.
Re-routing to secondary power supply.
Time-delay factor: 2.3 minutes.
Please, standby.