- Pay attention, constable.
- Sorry, sir.
At ease.
This is Captain De Villiers
and Sergeant Reteif.
Special branch.
Our orders are to assist them
in whatever manner they require.
Carry on, sergeant.
Thank you, captain.
Solomon's dangerous.
- He's unpredictable.
- Yeah.
Today he defies the teacher.
Tomorrow maybe he loses his head
and knifes the teacher...
...starts a war.
A lot of students could get hurt.
What is it you want?
To be safe...
...or not speak Afrikaans?
Both, of course.
...the policeman's son wants me
to risk being banned, eh?
I wonder what your
father would say.
My father doesn't dictate my life.
But he could dictate mine...
...if I land in his jail again.
I don't think you know
what you're asking.
L... I'm busy, Nonsizi.
Oh, yes, sir. Yes, sir. Okay.
- Hey, come back in, Nonsizi!
- Okay.
Yes, sir.
Right, sir. Okay, okay.
Well, I was in the market yesterday
to buy some boerewors
from the...