Hey, Miklo. You can stay with your Aunt
Dolores, huh? Come on. We'll drop you.
Oh, it's so good to see you.
Ay, Paco! Paco, ven aquí.
You're so tall.
- How long are you here?
- Uh, I'm back for good.
- Your probation is over?
- No, no. Um, he's got
a birthday coming up.
Look, um, I gotta go.
Dolores, Miklo's gonna stay
with you for a while, okay?
- Why?
- Because you have so much more room.
I love you, nino, huh?
Lupe, you may be my sister, but I'm
tired oftaking care ofyou! Grow up!
Look! I have tried
to be like you! I can't!
- Your life would drive me crazy!
- What about your son?
- The Pillsbury doughboy's back in town.
- Back for good, homes.
What's happening, man?
Thought you was never comin' back, eh?
Hey, you know me. I always find
my way back to East Los, homes.
So what's up? You couldn't hang
with your white boy daddy or what?
Paco, uh, Miklo's gonna be staying with
us for a while, huh? Make room for him.
Chale, ain't no one sharing
my bed and TV but a woman.
- This puto's stayin' in the garage, eh?
- Oh, yeah?
Pues, sabes qué, Mr Chale.
You're not the rooster here, huh?
This is my house.
Miklo's your cousin.
Take this electric bill
over to Mano and tell him
it has to be paid this afternoon.
Better keep the blankets
overyour head, pendejo...