Sarge, throw us the damn food, man!
If I don't get that damn book
and money back, you're not gonna
walk offthis cell block alive.
- Do you understand what I'm saying?
- Your name's in that book, Bob.
If I don't stay real healthy,
the warden's gonna find it
in his suggestion box.
- Hey, Bob.
- What?
Can I get an extra dessert tomorrow?
Hey, push this cart over here!
Let's move, man!
I'm getting hungry up here!
Shut the fuck up.
- Whose are they?
- They're a friend
of my brother's, home.
But he won't say shit.
He's asleep anyway.
- You're gonna get in trouble
if he wakes up.
- Nah, fuck that.
All right!
Hey, see you later, homes.
- He's gonna get pissed at you.
- No, I'll kick his ass.
- Hey, Cruz! I thought Chuey--
- Hey, man, this ain't no playground.
- Damn!
- Oye, pendejo,
you don't know how to knock?
I'm sorry, but it's cool.
I know what's up.
Chale, it ain't cool,
and you don't know what's up.
But ¿:sabes qué, homes? You better learn,
or else you can't come here no more.
You understand?
I'm sorry. Your place is great,
and I wanna come back.
Okay, carnalito, but be cool. You can't
just barge in anywhere you want.
- All right.
- Go upstairs and watch TV
until Mom comes.
I took his shoes
and I threw them.
Go on. Go upstairs and practise so you
can be a badass like Bobby Chacon.
- Simón, eh?
- Hey, hey, hey!
Tell Mom that my back was hurting
so I had to take a nap, all right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, vete.
What the fuck's wrong with you?
You can't fucking be sonando yourself
when my carnalito's around.
- That's cool, homes.
- It ain't cool, homes.
Come on, Cruzito.
Come on, man. Come on down.
This will cure
your back pain, homes.
Ah. Painting those 22 masks
is a drag, homes.