Look at this.
Look at that.
Must be from Quentin, huh?
- Hey. Hey, he's the guy--
- PCP bust. That's Popeye Savedra.
Miklo's connected to him.
- What's "Onda"?
- No, La Onda.
It's your destiny, man. It's--
It's like a wave nothing can stop.
Yeah? "Madre" means "mother." So--
No, no, it's a lot
more complicated than that.
This is some heavy shit, all right?
Everything is perfect.
It's like your mother's love.
And "un desmadre"...
is like you have no mother.
It's absolute hatred,
complete destruction.
In other words,
"You win it all or lose everything."
Sweet bunch of guys.
This big, fat pig Popeye, right here in
the centre? He's gotta be their leader.
- Hey, Aguilar!
- Look at the way they're
all grouped around him like that.
Hey, Aguilar, that, uh, that con
you blasted just got out ofsurgery.
He's gonna be a whole lot easier
to catch from now on.
Nurse, could you give me
a minute, please? Nurse?
Porla Virgen, Miklo,
I did not know that it would--
Don't talk to me about the Virgen.
VatosLocos forever.
That all died
when you pulled that trigger.
How did everything
get so fucked up, man?
The pinche badge, ese.