Bound by Honor

Listen, Smokey,
ifyou want protection, you're gonna
have to give me more than Popeye.

I want everything on Onda.
Who they are and where they are.

- Hey, no way, forget about it!
- Hey, don't talk shit, Smokey.

You stay out there alone,
you're dead. You said so yourself.

All right! All right.
I'll give it to you.

The whole layout--
capitanes, soldados.

- But I gotta be outta state first.
- We'll talk about it.

- Where can we meet?
- St Mary's Church, Fourth andChicago.

- I know it.
- Be there in 15minutes, chorizo,
orforget about it.

I'll be there.
Quiet in the church.
This is Lieutenant lvan Burnett.
He's from San Quentin.

- Detective Paco Aguilar.
- How're you doin'?
- This the victim?

- Yeah.
- Paco, wejust heard from Sacramento.

We are to cooperate
with Corrections on this.

That means that Burnett's gonna
be bringing down his entire team.

- What does that mean? I'm out of it?
- You heard me.

Well, this is bullshit, Captain.
Well, come on, I've been working
on this case for months.

This vato was about to give me
the full lowdown on Onda.
