What do you know about Onda?
I had a run-in with
a couple ofthese guys here.
- The whole council.
Captain, I'll need this picture.
- Fine.
- My chief investigator
will debrief him tomorrow.
- Hey, wait a minute, man.
That's my evidence.
This is an East L.A. case.
Look, I appreciate your interest,
but this is much bigger than East L.A.
Things are popping up
all over the state.
You hear about the grenade
that was thrown into...
the Cheap Times Social Club
in Wilmington last night?
I'm betting that Zuniga here
was the quarterback.
Part ofa plot started
by his brother in Quentin.
- It all comes outta Q
- All right, all right, Lieutenant.
Let's get inside.
This is happening here,
not in San Quentin.
It's all tied up to prison gangs.
Now, it's very complicated.
That's why we're taking over.
Do you speak Spanish?
You ever been in a street gang?
No, but my warden has,
and he's Chicano.
Well, is your warden related
to someone on the Onda council?
Miklo Velka is my--
is my cousin.
I am related to him
by blood and by this.
Look, Lieutenant,
I don't mean any disrespect...
but I think I can get further
on this thing than you can.
All I'm asking is that I'm involved.