Aren't you from Foshan?
Since we have time...
We'll go visit your family
All right
Fishball, Shar-pei, come with me
We'll meet at our old place with the goods
Yes, Pao
Let's go
Let's go
Fu-seng, Pao wants you
Where is your home?
We're not there yet
This is Foshan
Yes, but we haven't arrived at my village
There's fork ahead, which way?
A fork? The we must stop
Where is it?
The police are behind us, hurry
Fu-seng, are the police
following us?
Don't worry; where do you live?
I live at...
You haven't forgotten where
you live, have you?
I've been gone 3 years
Everything has changed
You must remember something
Yes, but there are so many buildings
Come, Pao
Uncle Fu-seng
Grandma misses you, come home quickly
My nephew
Come home, come!
Third Aunt, Brother Fu-seng is back!