Do you know why?
It's got homeless shelters...
...and Head Start centers...
Hot lunches.
Hot lunches for little kiddies.
If I kill it, I'm going to look like a prick.
I don't want to look like a prick.
I want you to look like pricks.
But, sir, we tried to kill it.
I don't think so. If you killed it,
it would be dead.
When I kill something...
...it always dies.
-Doesn't it, Bob?
-Always did.
Mr. President, with all the work
your wife does with the homeless--
My wife.
I don't want you to do this
because you're forced to.
I want you to do this because you want to.
I want you to do it
because it's the right thing to do.
Do it because you're acting
in the best interests of your country.
Well, I think that's it.
-Great. I'll see you then.
How are you? Having fun?
Good to see you.
Ask me how I did.
-How'd it go?
-I killed them. It was great.
-See what you can do in here.
-Okay, what's up?
How are you, Mabel? Hi, Jennifer.
Mabel says it's too far.
Jennifer's boss tried to hit on her.
Lola's been in your office crying
for almost an hour.
What happened?
It's not my fault. I learn on the IBM, okay?
Then they put me on the Wang.
Don't worry. We'll think of something.
So tonight's the big night.
It's some secret. He won't tell me.