[ Benny ]
Let's go kick some ass!
Hey, you guys.
You guys, wait up.
- What?
- Benny, I have a favor to ask ya.
-What do ya need?
-Take it easy on my brother this summer.
- All of you.
- Mitch Kramer?
- Yeah, Mitch Kramer.
- Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna
give him a beating...
- Ow!
- he'll never forget!
Just don't get him more than
the other guys, any of you.
- He's kinda little.
- You got our word, sis.
- Little brother'll be okay.
- Thanks.
See you guys. Ow!
- Benny! These guys, I don't know.
- Oh, you love it.
There's just a little bit of bullshit
in all that, right?
- Major bullshit. He's a dead man.
He's fuckin' dead!
- Shotgun!
[ Rock 'N' Roll On Car Radio ]
[ Benny ] Check it out. I been
waitin' three long years for this.
Those junior high kids
are dead meat. I promise.
We're gonna beat 'em!
- Oh, yeah.
- [ Engine And Radio Stop ]
Okay, you freshman fucks,
listen up!
It's your lucky day.
Usually you spend your freshman summer
getting your asses busted...
and running
for your worthless little lives.
But this year, because we
feel so sorry for you,
we're gonna take it easy on you...
and save us all a lot of time.
So if you meet here--
right here--
after school today,
you'll only get one lick
from each of us.
But you run like cowards,
well, it's open season
all summer long, boys.
Oh, yeah, Mitch Kramer?
Mitchie? Mitchie,
Mitchie, Mitchie!
- [ All Laughing ]
- We're lookin' for you, pal.
Your ass'll be purple
before the day is over.
Have a nice afternoon.
[ Kissing Noise ]
[ Laughing ]
You better get outta town.
Go spend the summer
with your grandparents or somethin'.
[ Engine Revving ]
Hey, man. You are gonna show up
to our game tonight.