Sweet music to my ears.
The magnetic accelerator gun
will achieve fusion in 2.6 minutes.
I was thinking about leaving quickly.
Patience is not one of my virtues.
Did you see that?
Never mind. I give up trying
to figure this place out.
Excuse me, Rambo.
I need to borrow this.
Access and correlate procedure.
Establish communication with intruder.
-Luke Skywalker, use the Force.
-Oh, dear.
-What the hell is this?
-It´s a glow-rod. It´s what we got.
Does it work?
Guess so.
He´s trapped in section 8.
Make sure the building´s clear.
Done. I want a visual.
Every corridor of the museum,
I want full sensors routed to me.
You guys wait here.
Give me 10 minutes.
Museum patron,
you are now confined to the armory.
Museum patron, you are now
confined to the Armory.
The armory exhibit is now sealed.
All museum patrons still
in the facility should remain calm.
Help is imminent.
This museum is no longer sealed.
What can I say?
l´m a blast from the past.
You should´ve stayed there.
That voice sounds familiar.
Who is that?