Where are they?
Cart, cart.
Call the paramedics!
My friend just had a heart attack!
I guess you're out of luck.
Your little cart's gonna drown.
Aren't you sorry you didn't let me
pass through your golf course?
Now you're gonna die wearing that
stupid little hat. How does it feel?
This is his room.
You're a very neat and tidy lady.
He cleans his own room.
Now don't make me call you a liar.
If he wasn't at work,
I'd be afraid to set foot in here.
What's he been doing lately?
Same as ever.
Building important things to
protect us from the Communists.
He works at Notec.
The defense plant.
Call Notec and see if you can get him.
So what's going on with your son?
-How do you mean?
-You know exactly what I mean.
Sometimes he sits through
an entire meal without saying a word.
He just shovels food into
his mouth like a machine.
I get so nervous...
...I can't swallow.
I'll sit there with
the same piece of food in my mouth.
I have to spit it out.
When I do, he looks at me...
...like he'd like to kill me.
Don't tell him I said that.
I promise I won't.
I try not to be a burden.
I'm not just talking financial.
How could you be a burden to anyone?
If William, or Bill,
as I like to call him...