-He's getting a kick out of scaring you.
-Please don't leave.
There's only one thing you can do
to really feel safer.
Next time there's a proposition...
...to cut the number of patrol cars
on the street, vote no, okay?
Have a nice day.
What have you found so far?
No luck on Foster-Trevino.
Go straight to the maiden name.
I've got something
on an Army-Navy store.
Jesus, Prendergast, I was there!
That guy was a prick.
You know what else he was?
Murdered. They found him stuffed
in his own display case.
Oh, my God!
Here, I'll help you change the...
You know what they did?
They turned our ice-cream parlor into
a Southwest American, New Age thing.
I went to buy a rocking horse.
All I could find was a unicorn
with an Indian on top of it.
Can you believe that, Elizabeth?
Can you believe it?
Come on!
Where are we going?
When's my birthday?