Falling Down

We were gonna have a barbecue,
like you guys...

...and she was gonna play outside...
...and my wife would hold my hand...
...and talk about grownup things.
And then when it got dark...
...we'd all go to sleep together.
We'd all sleep together in the dark.
And everything...
...would be just like it was before.
You can't leave. Believe me,
something's happened to him.

It doesn't take all day
to drive from Pasadena to Venice.

That doesn't constitute
a threatening phone call.

The guy was talking about
Star Trek or something.

-He's getting a kick out of scaring you.
-Please don't leave.

There's only one thing you can do
to really feel safer.

Next time there's a proposition...
...to cut the number of patrol cars
on the street, vote no, okay?

Have a nice day.
What have you found so far?
No luck on Foster-Trevino.
Go straight to the maiden name.
I've got something
on an Army-Navy store.


Jesus, Prendergast, I was there!
That guy was a prick.
You know what else he was?
Murdered. They found him stuffed
in his own display case.

Oh, my God!
Here, I'll help you change the...
