Freeze, Milo!
I hate that!
What the hell?
You're probably not familiar
with the theory...
of inverse proportionate
explosive dynamics.
What about it?
You fire a weapon
with the barrel obstructed...
the explosive force
multiplies by 23.598...
reverses on itself
with a diametric polarity.
Yeah? So?
So that gun will blow up
in your hand.
I won't even scorch my pinkie.
That's just
theoretical hypothesis.
Inverse proportionate
explosive dynamics...
have never been
proven conclusively...
in a laboratory environment.
Pull the trigger, smart guy.
Let's find out.
"You have the right
to remain silent." Next.
"lf you waive that right,
anything you say..." Next.
"May be used against you
in a court of law." Next.
"You have the right
to an attorney."
You have an attorney?
I guess today's your lucky day.
"Ned Ravine,
Defense Attorney."
How was that, baby?
Not bad for an auto mechanic.