Women--they're oneof life's great mysteries.
To some guys, women arelike a big jigsaw puzzle...
with piecesthat just don't fit.
They think the soulof a woman is darker...
than a back alley...
and more tangledthan a telephone cord...
and colder thanan Eskimo Pie in Anchorage.
But those guysdon't even have a clue.
You know womenthe way I do...
you know exactlywhat makes them tick...
what makes them hum...
what makes them jiggleup and down when they walk.
There are two kindsof women in this world...
and I've known them both.
One will take youfor a fast ride...
on a bumpy roadwith no seat belt.
The other kindis always--
Knock offthe chatter, will you?
I'm just tryingto keep you awake, Arch.
I'm awake.
Where the hell do you come upwith all that crap about women?
It's true.Women are an open book.
If you know howto read them, though...
you can always tell the rottenapples from the peaches.
Are you kidding?
I would stake my career on it.
Anybody ever proves me wrong,I'll throw away my badge.
Damn, I hate stakeouts.
What makes you thinkthat lowlife crook...
is going to show up here?
Logic. Knocked offall those banks.
He's got cash.
He's going towant to spend it.