Fatal Instinct

I should call someone
to fix this.

I'll call from home.
L.B.J. through J.F.K.
F.B.I. through C.I.A.
WD40 through...
I think I should
warn you, Mr. Ravine...

R.S.V.P. through Snafu.
I'm not wearing any underwear.
Try these on.
What can I do for you?
I've run across some papers...
and I thought you might
be able to tell me...

what they are.
I'm not very experienced
when it comes to papers.

I'll help you, Miss Cain,
if I'm able.

Do you have the papers here?
No. They're at home.
I thought
you might come by.

I'm on duty tonight.
Don't they give you
a night off?

Of course.
Christmas, Columbus Day,
Groundhog Day, Doris Day...

and tomorrow.
Why don't we meet
tomorrow evening, then?

I'll let you know where.
What's wrong with my office?
Nothing a good
interior decorator couldn't fix.

Take care of this
for me, will you?

Where is he?
On duty all night.
By the time he wraps up
his reports...

it'll be close
to noon tomorrow.

I was just reading over
my husband's insurance policy.

You wouldn't know anything
about insurance, would you?

Yeah. As a matter of fact,
I sell policies...part-time.
