Fong Shi Yu II: Wan fu mo di

l'm busy.
We're friends, give me face.
- Miao Chihua?
- Friends?

Brother, test her kung-fu.
l'll test her poetry skill.
Poetry? l'm an expert.
l learned if from my husband.

Oh, my soup!
l'm a piece of cloud.
You're a piece of shit.
Good morning class!
Good morning sir.
Can you reply it?
60 cents for 6 seconds.
Boss, she is fooling us! Beat her.
- Beat her.
- Wait!

What's the most important thing
to survive in this martial arts world.

- What?
- Read my lips.

Go to hell.
This is wonderful.
You're unmatchable, Madame.
Oh my soup!
l have to save Sai Yuk
from being bullied by these people.

Madame, aren't you waiting for Master?
Tell him that l'm going to
the Red Flower Society.

Madame, please tell young master
that l've missed him.

My dear son, l'm bringing you my soup.
Waiter, check please.
Right! 34 cents, please.
Here you are!
Thank you, sir!
Mister, l have walked a long way
and l am thirsty.

Can you buy me a drink?
Thank you. l'll have to rush.
On this first day of next month,
a group of Japanese samurai
will arrive...

with a Sacred Box in which
a most shocking secret it hidden.

- Song Ziping!
- Here!
