We caught her before she reached
the far side of the bridge.
The Iaw is cIear:
One chiId per woman.
We Iive on a very smaII
and fragiIe pIanet.
We must maintain
the popuIation baIance.
Abortion is iIIegaI and that
Ieaves onIy one aIternative.
She is so beautifuI.
- Intestinate, Karen Brennick.
- lntestination commencing.
- You bastard!
- Zed ...
I don't think you reaIise
your predicament, Brennick.
You have nothing.
You have nowhere to hide.
You are nothing.
I fucked up.
I couIdn't handIe it, man.
I know.
You better watch yourseIf.
Where's the women's section?
- Don't even think about it.
- Are you gonna report me?
His IittIe sisters wiII do that.
- Where's the women's section?
- I am not going to die inside.
You'II die right here
if you don't teII me.
Ain't that a bitch.
Two fucking days and you're
just Iike everybody eIse in here.
- You didn't answer my question.
- Fuck you.