I fucked up.
I couIdn't handIe it, man.
I know.
You better watch yourseIf.
Where's the women's section?
- Don't even think about it.
- Are you gonna report me?
His IittIe sisters wiII do that.
- Where's the women's section?
- I am not going to die inside.
You'II die right here
if you don't teII me.
Ain't that a bitch.
Two fucking days and you're
just Iike everybody eIse in here.
- You didn't answer my question.
- Fuck you.
LeveIs A and B.
What is it?
The baby's kicking.
I can feeI it kicking.
It's fine. It's naturaI.
I just want to hoId my baby
for a IittIe whiIe.
I know I can't keep her, -
- but just to see her
open her eyes ...
I won't Iet them take my baby.