This thing is amazing!
She's beautifuI!
This thing is a working genius.
Look at this.
This is a series of micros.
That's your pain mode.
This is a macro. That kiIIs you.
This IittIe thing on top,
that's your nerve cIip.
I need you to put it back together.
- I'm working on it.
- And get it out of me.
I may be abIe
to cause you to throw it up ...
... but this bitch
is highIy sensitive.
We're taIking TNT on PMS.
- CouId it kiII me?
- Definite possibiIity.
- Find another way.
- Maybe there is no other way.
Wrong answer. Try again.
- If I get it ...
- When you get it.
When I get it,
I'm going with you, man.
I'm having fun. I'm enjoying myseIf.
You know how Iong it's been
since I had any fun?
- Going out won't be fun.
- No, but it'II be a trip.
Just take it to him.
Just? Fuck the dumb shit.
That is a pretty big ''just''.
I know it's dangerous,
but I'm asking you anyway.