We're taIking TNT on PMS.
- CouId it kiII me?
- Definite possibiIity.
- Find another way.
- Maybe there is no other way.
Wrong answer. Try again.
- If I get it ...
- When you get it.
When I get it,
I'm going with you, man.
I'm having fun. I'm enjoying myseIf.
You know how Iong it's been
since I had any fun?
- Going out won't be fun.
- No, but it'II be a trip.
Just take it to him.
Just? Fuck the dumb shit.
That is a pretty big ''just''.
I know it's dangerous,
but I'm asking you anyway.
Say I don't get mind-wiped.
What's going to happen to my paroIe?
There's no paroIe. You hoId onto
that hope because you're a man.
You keep something inside of you,
but this is a chance to fight back.
Fight for who?
You? Your husband?
I've never begged before in my Iife.
PIease, Abraham?
If you won't do this for me,
do this for my baby.
- I've got to get this back.
- What is it?
Have you never seen
a hoIographic Iens before?
The onIy probIem is we need a Iaser
to make this thing work.
- We've got a Iaser.
- You stick your hand in there.