Did you sleep well, Mr.Connors?
I slept alone, Mrs.Lancaster.
- Would you like some coffee?
- Is there any possibility...
of getting an espresso
or a cappuccino this morning?
I really don't know.
How to spell "espresso"
or "cappuccino."
This looks fine.
- I hope you enjoy the festivities.
- I'm sure I will.
There's talk of a blizzard.
We may catch a break
and have that blizzard blow by us.
All this moisture coming up
out of the south...
will probably push on
east of us.
At high altitudes it will crystallize
and give us what we call snow.
Probably will be some accumulation...
but here in Punxsutawney our high
will be about 30 today, teens tonight.
Chance of precipitation
about 20 percent today and tomorrow.
Did you want to talk about the weather
or were you just making chitchat?
- Chitchat.
- See you later.
- Bye.
- Will you be checking out today?
Chance of departure today:
100 percent.
Phil Connors?
I thought that was you!
How you doing?
Thanks for watching.
Don't tell me you don't remember me.
I sure as heck-fire remember you.
- Not a chance.
- Ned Ryerson!
Needlenose Ned.
Ned the Head.
Come on, buddy.
Case Western High.
I did the whistling belly button trick
at the high school talent show. Bing!
Got the shingles real bad senior year,
almost didn't graduate.
Bing again!
I dated your sister Mary Pat
till you told me not to anymore.