Phil Connors?
I thought that was you!
How you doing?
Thanks for watching.
Don't tell me you don't remember me.
I sure as heck-fire remember you.
- Not a chance.
- Ned Ryerson!
Needlenose Ned.
Ned the Head.
Come on, buddy.
Case Western High.
I did the whistling belly button trick
at the high school talent show. Bing!
Got the shingles real bad senior year,
almost didn't graduate.
Bing again!
I dated your sister Mary Pat
till you told me not to anymore.
Did you turn pro
with that belly button thing or what?
- I sell insurance.
- What a shock.
Do you have life insurance?
You could always use a little more.
Am I right or am I right
or am I right? Right?
I would love to stand here and talk
with you, but I'm not going to.
- See you.
- I'll walk with you.
Whenever I see an opportunity now,
I charge it like a bull.
Ned the Bull, that's me now.
I have friends who live and die
by the actuarial tables.
It's all one big crap shoot.
Have you ever heard
of single premium life?
I think that really could be
the ticket for you.
It is so good to see you!
- What are you doing for dinner?
- Something else.
It's been great seeing you,
Needlehead. Take care.