Guilty as Sin

She didn't give a fuck about me! She
just wanted to know that l was there.

David, she was also
paying for your defence.

- You'll get your money,
don't worry about that.
- From who?

You're going to prove me innocent
and then there will be millions.

You know, no matter how bad
it ever got with me and Rita,

at least l knew she had
real feelings for me.

She framed you for her own murder.
l'd say you're not doing that well...

- in the female department.
- Well, l just am not-- Oh, shit!

What am l? Am l some kind
of a fuckin' lowlife...

because l take money
when it's offered to me?

Nobody says a goddam thing.
lt's perfectly fine, isn't it?

Well, you--
lf you wanna talk about...

goddam women as sex objects?
What about--

What about men? What about me?
They use me.
And then they fuckin' drop me...

whenever they damn well please.
l do not intend
to represent you any more.

l tried to speak to you rationally, but
you defy all logic, so l'm backing off.

l'm not doing this for him.
l'm doing this because you--

You're an impossible person. l don't
have to put up with it and l won't.

No. No, l'm the one
that has to do this.

l'm the one that has to stand trial.
l have to defend myself
and my whole fuckin' lifestyle.
