Well, you--
lf you wanna talk about...
goddam women as sex objects?
What about--
What about men? What about me?
They use me.
And then they fuckin' drop me...
whenever they damn well please.
l do not intend
to represent you any more.
l tried to speak to you rationally, but
you defy all logic, so l'm backing off.
l'm not doing this for him.
l'm doing this because you--
You're an impossible person. l don't
have to put up with it and l won't.
No. No, l'm the one
that has to do this.
l'm the one that has to stand trial.
l have to defend myself
and my whole fuckin' lifestyle.
- Sure, go.
- Then step out of my way.
Oh, and Jennifer?
Ah, l mean, Miss Haines.
Really like your hair that way.
Oh, put the lady on.
Mrs Langford. l'm sorry
to be calling you on your vacation,
but our accounting department informs me
that you haven't remitted any payment...
for Mr Greenhill's
recent fees and expenses.
Yeah, Tom. Hi.
Jennifer, uh, l've just hung up
with Mrs Langford in Geneva.