You can always sue for these fees
afterwards and collect in a civil court.
No one's stopping you from that.
Your Honour, he's already
in arrears over 29,000.
- lt's estimat--
- The exact dollar figure
does not concern me.
You took on this man's defence,
filed his plea of not guilty,
went through the pleadings and the
discovery process, and now you want out.
for this entire process to be
repeated with some other attorney?
Why should they foot the bill
because your firm...
didn't obtain an adequate
retainer up front?
This widespread dumping of clients
is an abuse to the entire system.
l intend to see it stopped.
You will provide
the best defence possible.
And l'm gonna keep an eye on you
and make sure that you do.
Request denied.
Mr Greenhill.
ln your letter to me you said
you had complete faith in Miss Haines.
Do you still feel Miss Haines
can give you adequate representation?
Yes, l do, Your Honour.
l guess l'll see you in court.
l won't hold this against you.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
You have some things
for Jennifer Haines,
- uh, 12-C down the street?
- lt was going to be delivered.
Yeah, well, um--
She asked me to run down
and pick 'em up for her.
- Okay.
- Uh, she said...
to just put it on her account?
Very light on the starch,
especially in the collar.
- Okay. l'll remember.
- Thank you.
- Good morning, Rosalie.
- Miss Haines isn't in yet.
Yes, l know, dear. Thank you.