l guess l'll see you in court.
l won't hold this against you.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
You have some things
for Jennifer Haines,
- uh, 12-C down the street?
- lt was going to be delivered.
Yeah, well, um--
She asked me to run down
and pick 'em up for her.
- Okay.
- Uh, she said...
to just put it on her account?
Very light on the starch,
especially in the collar.
- Okay. l'll remember.
- Thank you.
- Good morning, Rosalie.
- Miss Haines isn't in yet.
Yes, l know, dear. Thank you.
- You look very nice today.
- Good morning, Mr Greenhill.
Hello, Gretchen.
Hello, Virginia.
- Good morning, Mr Greenhill.
- Nice to see you.
- Good morning, Emily.
- You don't have an appointment.
l, l know.
Well, listen, l, uh--
l'm just gonna drop these things off
for Jennifer. She might need them later.
- Should l just put 'em inside?
- Oh, l'll take it.
Oh, okay. Um, and tell Jennifer
l'll just talk to her later.
Ah, she's got
a very busy schedule.
Emily, um, how long have you
worked for Miss Haines?
Well, l'm sure that she
relies on your discretion.
And so do l.