Heaven & Earth

Three years passed.
No, that's Tommy. And we're going
to change ''Hung'' to ''Jimmy.''

We moved to the Central Highlands
with Steve's new job.

Steve loved our new son Tommy
as if his life had started again.

When you come to California...
...to visit my mama,
we'll take you to Disneyland...

...in those pajamas.
Mama missed Papa too much...
...and seemed to be living
between this world and the next.

Your papa wanted you to stay on the land.
I can't. It's the past.
Who will care for the land?
I'm old.
Maybe Bon will come back.
I know he will.
America, Mama.
In America I can save the children.
The South is dying. Steve says...
...it'll fall faster than anyone thinks.
His mother and sister are near San Diego
and he'll leave the Army for a good job.

He loves me.
I love him.
You love him?
He's good, Mama.
He loves the children.
Americans are thu vo thuy vo chung.
They have no beginning and no end.
They don't care about their ancestors.
So they think they are free
to do any bad thing they want.

You will not be happy with this man.
Your father's spirit will not rest...
...till his most-Ioved child sleeps
in his house.
