Where is sh--
I can't believe what
they want me to do.
Just so they can have
the pleasure of my company?
[ Shadow ]
She just doesn't want to
get wet. She can swim, she can.
She won't. She won't,
she won't, she won't.
She won't, she won't,
she won't, she won't.
She won't
Ah, this is more like it.
I'm so clever
I amaze myself.
Will ya look
at that?
- Cats rule and dogs drool
- [ Chance ]Jumpin'rocks.
- Typical cat move.
- Good girl, Sassy.
- [ Shadow ] You all right?
- Never better.
Never better!
Ooh! Ahh! Yes!
Well, good work.
- [ Crash ]
- Aah! Oh! Oh!
- I just had this coat cleaned.
- Sassy?
- Oh, help! Help!
- Sassy's in the river, Chance.
Shadow! Ugh! Oh!
Ugh! Oh!
[ Meows ]
- Hang on, Sassy!
- [ Coughing ]
[ Choking ]
[ Meow ]
Sassy, keep your head
above water!
Oh, Shadow--
Shadow, help me!
[ Gasping ]
Help me! Shadow!
[ Meows ]
Shadow, please!
Sassy, swim, swim hard.