- La oss gjøre forretninger.
- Glimrende.
Det er et lite problem.
Det gjelder Al.
Han spør for mye.
Min intuisjon advarte meg,
så jeg fikk ham skygget.
Han arbeider for Secret Service.
- Hva skal jeg gjøre med ham?
- Sørg for at liket ikke flyter opp.
Jeg vil at du skal ta ham.
- Dere arbeider kanskje sammen.
- Du oppsøkte meg, ikke sant?
- We're in business.
- Excellent.
There's just one problem.
This guy Al...
He keeps asking all these questions
about my counterfeiter.
My instinct usually tells me
when something's wrong.
And there's something wrong.
So I had him followed.
He's a Secret Service agent, Frank.
- What do you think I ought to do?
- Be sure the body doesn't wash up.
I want you to pop him for me, okay?
- I think maybe you're with him.
- You came to me, remember?