Jumped over board
about 200 yards out to sea...
swam back to this
god forsaken place.
Why did you swim back?
There was a woman involved.
Oh, aye?
It was when I was healthy,
before you were born.
What was her name?
Aye, you know her name.
You know your own mother's name.
Sarah Maguire she was.
Then she had the misfortune
to change it to Conlon.
Boarding all passengers.
All second-class passengers
boarding now.
Go and live.
Go and live, son.
That's the best advice
I can give you.
honest money goes further.
Honest money goes further.
A birdin the handis worth
two in the bush.
Never look a gift horse
in the mouth.
He'da cliche
for every occasion.
I'll give you a call.
Right, son.
IRA'n up the gang plank
to get away from him...
and then I suddenly
felt bad about it.
I decided to turn back...
to call him Giuseppe
for the first time in my life.
When I turned around,
he had already walked away.
- I just called after him.
- Good-bye, Da!