You see?
My rabbit has a guardian angel.
Cassiel, beat it!
Let's sleep.
Is Mama working late again
at the " Purgatory" tonight?
Someone has to earn money.
Most people you meet
are missing persons.
Their names,
which they love hearing out loud...
their quirks,
their unexpected grins...
or their sudden groans
in a shoe store...
as if they were at home--
It's all posturing.
The night has gone to the dogs.
Don't you agree
that something awful has happened?
There is no more night.
There are hints,
but what are hints compared to nights?
Stop that wiping.
Have a drink with me.
I know you won't.
That's why the night
went to the dogs.
Don't you know...
that every night
is basically just a dog?
I've heard about that before,
but somehow I must have forgotten it.
Memory has gone
to the dogs as well.
You're right.
You're so right.