I couldn't sleep for the worry,
not knowin' whether you were alive
or out moulderin' on the plains somewhere.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
I didn't mean to cause you grief, clara.
It's just...
I have ambitions for both of us.
One day, you'll have a proper gold band,
not some old saddle ring.
Iron is stronger. than gold.
I wouldn't trade this ring for the world.
It was made for a simple purpose,
just like the man who gave it to me.
What's wrong?
Somethin' happened.
What happened?
I killed 2 men.
I looked down the barrel of my sharps...
and I thought I'd never see you again...
So I shot.
Even though I didn't have to.
So much for purpose, I suppose.
It will be very hard
for our government to keep
the whites out of the hills.
To try to do so
will give your people and
my government great trouble.
Because the whites
who may wish to go into
these hills are very numerous.
I want our great father to send us meat