Somethin' happened.
What happened?
I killed 2 men.
I looked down the barrel of my sharps...
and I thought I'd never see you again...
So I shot.
Even though I didn't have to.
So much for purpose, I suppose.
It will be very hard
for our government to keep
the whites out of the hills.
To try to do so
will give your people and
my government great trouble.
Because the whites
who may wish to go into
these hills are very numerous.
I want our great father to send us meat
and flour and coffee.
And sugar and tea and bacon
and corn and beans and tobacco.
I want this for all the
people and for the children
and 7 times their children.
Firm offer is $400,000 a year
for the mineral rights.
Now if you should wish to
sell the black hills outright,
the price will be $6 million
payable in 15 annual installments.
I will go to the white father
in washington and smoke pipe with him.
You have heard his words,
which cannot be altered
even to the scratch of a pen.