La Ardilla roja

When can l take her home?
We'll keep herfor a few days.
But she'll probably remember
everything tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.
They say l have brown eyes.
Blue eyes that get tangled.
And a long cat's tongue, you slutl
That's from a song.
There is a place where
the squlrrels rule.

And that's the leafy
and mysterious wood.

The red squlrrel comes from Central
Europe and lives ln coniferous woods.

But it can also adapt to
deciduous woods...

...with trees such as the oak,
chestnut, walnut, hazel, etc.

ln these woods, red squlrrels feed
malnly on nuts such as the hazel.

With practice, they can split
the shell ln two with one bite.

Their rear paws are stronger
and longer than the frontt ones.

So squlrrels always
come down trees head first...

...bearing theirweight on
the sharp claws of their rear paws.

Their lightness allows them to
reach the upperbranches...

...using theirtall
ln order to keep their balance.

During the mating season...
...the male defends its territory
from other males.

One male defeats another
by means of aggressive pursuit.

The domlnant male,
normally the more mascullne...

...expels the lntruder
during a skirmish.
